Sunday, September 6, 2015

Veggie noodles! Who knew?

So we are still eating low carb...
We haven't fallen off the wagon...

... yet.

Have you seen the Veggetti thingy at the stores in the "As Seen On T.V." section?

Well if YOU are on a low carb diet like WE are or are on a veggie based diet, or are on a eat-your-veggies-in-a-most-pleasing-way diet, you might want to give this a go.

Orrrrrrrrrrr are on a trick-your-kids-into-eating-their-veggies diet...

Ok, I'm done.

Anyway, no, I'm not being paid to promote this product. I suppose no one from their company will ever see my little blog, but for the few of you who read this, just know that if you've been wanting to try this...dooooooooo iiiiiiiiiiiiittt.

Of course it helps that we have a master chef on staff, but still

Friday, September 4, 2015

DIEt time

So we're trying something new at our house, It's called "watching what we eat."

Sucks, but the doc told the hubs to eat a low carb diet until he got blood test results back.

Kind of a perfect summer garden meal. Especially if you live in Mormon country and have mysterious zucchini show up on your door step, or in your car while you're at church... hahaha. No, but seriously...