
Friday, September 6, 2013

low tide

 Brian sent some phone camera shots from this morning's low tide beauty.

After yesterdays rant I owe you that much... ;)

Thursday, September 5, 2013

renting Alaska

So we're learning that finding a house to rent in Ketchikan AK is THE most frustrating and ridiculous experience so far in our Alaskan Adventure.

We've had two different parties turn us down because we have five children.  Well they are children, not animals.  It's hard not to feel discriminated against when they tell you "sorry you have too many children".

My husband looked at a place that was priced right, but is a crap hole run down duplex and when he asked about whether the owner was going to do anything about the black mold and water damage the realtor told him, he didn't know what the owner was going to do and, "well that's Ketchikan for ya."

Finding a place to live that we can afford is starting to be a nightmare...

I called a realtor myself and she tried two different ways to get me to look elsewhere to find places to live.  If you don't want my business, fine, we'll look elsewhere.  That's pretty simple.

I fully understand why there is a T.V. show called Buying Alaska.  It's so ridiculous it's fodder for a reality show.

Well, my peeps, this Alaskan Adventure has hit a major bump in the road and the alignment is now way off.

To Be Continued...

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

I can't believe it's butter

So before the hubby left for AK we were going to make butter, for fun, but the cream got lost and forgotten about in the fridge.

I saw the cream and got it out and started making butter and then realized that the expiration date was today's date.  Phew!  Nick of time baby!  Nick. Of. Time.

I have a Tupperware thingy that I've used before to make butter and it was working just fine...

cream, Tupperware thingy, salt

kid powering the Tupperware thingy

the beginnings of butter

... but then I got an idea...

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

alaska marine highway

The Ferry is booked!

Alaska Marine Highway System

Let me just say...gettin' to the land of the North ain't cheap.  But hey, we did say we were going to go on a cruise someday...
So at the beginning of next month we are going on a cruise. ;) Yay!

I wonder if they have a kids club...



Well, this is what we get to look forward to ...

Monday, September 2, 2013

just what the doctor ordered


So, they say that if you are doing something you love, your blood pressure goes down .