
Tuesday, May 12, 2015

tin can flowers

On a glorious Saturday in March, my BFF Jaeme and I went shopping and to lunch.

Now when I say BFF, let me assure you that many people claim her to be their BFF. She's possibly the best giver and event rememberer, romantic, tea party thrower, pink loving, proper (sorry about the word rememberer), smart, girly girl I've ever met.

Best memory is one time shopping with Jaeme we walked through the store (probably the mall) and picked out what we just knew the other would love and said, "This reminds me of you, if I had the money, I'd buy it for you." This told us that we knew each other so well that we knew what the other loved and we'd say "awe, THANK you, I do love that" and has been a staple of our friendship ever since.

So when we were shopping in March, we both picked up a few things "we couldn't live without" and of course left much there that we wanted, but didn't need.  One of those things was a brightly painted pink and purple tin can flower.  Jaeme ran her hand over it and said how much she liked it, but left it there.

In my mind, like so many other millions of times, I thought, I can make that!

And so for my BFF, here are your flowers. They don't look exactly like the one at the store, but it's my take on it with a little Mary Englebreit thrown in.

And for all the rest of you who want to give it a go, here's a picture tutorial.

  So what you're gonna do is...(name that movie)

1. empty green bean can from dinner, wash and remove paper
2. glove up
3. take can and start cutting with Tin Snips as even as you can--(get it?) strips down to the center. Cut them as close or far or squiggly as you want.
4. Pull petals flat.

5. Paint with your choice of spray paint.

6. Glue together with E6000 glue if that's what you choose.

See how easy that was?

You CAN do it!

I wonder if I can make a pink flamingo out of tin cans...

Happy BFF day Jaeme. Love you. I hope you enjoy your tin can garden. Now off to the post office.

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